Sunday, December 16, 2012

Reflection on WRI 100

Although this semester has been challenging, it has also been wuite fun.  I don't suppose that's odd for most people if we are too be honest.  When we are challenged, we learn, when we learn something new, we feel good.  At least I do.  I love reading, writing, learning, sharing, meeting new people and hearing ideas from others.  This class combined all of those things in a perfect balance.  Meeting once each week worked out really well, although I know there were a few glitches here and there, with holidays, sickness and my personal schedule conflicts.  I truly enjoyed our class time together.  I have never used a blogging program before and I like it.  I plan to keep it, maybe even use it in the future. Maybe I can even involve my family members that live far away who may be interesed in an outlet for communication other than facebook

Prezi is a new thing for me, and while I have not mastered this in any way, I am sure it will come in handy when my children ask me for help with their school projects, maybe even for presentaions in my nursing classes. 

The reading material and chosen films were for the most part very interesting.  Friere was the hardest to follow, for me. I think it's just his writing style, I wasn't drawn in and I found I had to re-read several passages (thank you for underlining), until class time discussion took place, I didn't have a full understanding as to his point. The movie "Waiting for Superman" was very cool and I learned a great deal about the weak points in our education system.  It also created a great personal dialog between me and a friend of mine who has been teaching for about 10 years and last year was assigned to teach children in Florida to speak English. Reading about Sapelo Island was absolutley my favorite.  I love the story, the style with which it was written and I enjoyed writing about it.   MissRepresentation was not news to me.  It was a bit infuriating and writing a response to that was hard only because I have a tendancy to be tangential, and since issues concerning female media portrayals get me fired up, I go all over the place.

I hope to continue to progress in my writing skills.  Thank you for the usefull feedback on my papers.  I like the way you put specific comments right in the paper, letting me know exactly how to improve.  My serious weakness is in properly citing my sources.  I look forward to working with you during my Nursing concepts class. 

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